Eirian's URock'n Roll v Legion
"Stevie" is the newest addition to the Legion family. She is a Canadian import from beautiful lines. We are excited to see the journey she will be taking us on. Stevie is already attending puppy kindergarten class, competion obedience class, a beginner tricks class and drop in rally and obedience classes. She is also working on her conformation skills to prepare her for the show ring.
Stevie has wonderful toy drive, food drive and loves chasing prey (including butterflies, squirrels, birds and lizzards :) ). She is eager to learn and focuses beautifully during training. She is an extremely confident puppy who loves playing with the big dogs. Start watching for her in the performance rings and soon in the conformation ring.
Stevie comes from the Eirian's Rottweiler Kennel in Ottawa, Cananda. Her mother, "Harper", GCH Eirian's Nothing But The Best, is a beautiful dam that boasts a V4 rating and Multi BPIG.
Her father is, "Kevan", BPIG, Am CH, Mex CH, IberoAM CH, PanAM CH, Intercontinental CH, FCI Int'l CH, Can Select GCH Eirians Oh The Places Youll Go. He has had a wonderful show career already in multiple countries. He is a gorgeous boy with a short back, wonderful structure and great temperment.
Preparing to earn them
Coming soon
PawVillage: OLT70U4BZZ